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Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or planning your first trip, we understand that you may have questions about our services, destinations, or travel tips. This section is designed to provide you with the information you need to make the most of your travel experience. From packing tips to visa requirements, we’ve got you covered. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, feel free to reach out to our customer service team for personalized assistance. Happy travels!

Everyone is different and every trip is different, but almost wherever I go there are certain items I always take along with me. As far as technology goes, I travel with an iPhone, iPad, DSLR camera and all of the associated equipment for everything. Since I have so many things to plug in, a travel power strip has become an indispensable part of my kit. I also make sure to travel with plenty of Ziploc bags. They help me organize my clothes, including dirty clothes, as well as things like cords and extra batteries. I also try to be prepared so that means a poncho, headlamp, eye mask and a small amenity kit to make the travel experience a little more civilized.

We all joke about gaining weight when we travel, but it really is important to try to stay healthy in order to better enjoy the experience. It starts while still on the plane; avoid too much alcohol and caffeine and instead opt for water. Staying hydrated will help you feel better and minimize jet lag. Once in the destination, definitely enjoy the local food but don’t go crazy and try to balance it with a healthy breakfast. Finally, most of us walk a lot when we travel so use this as your daily workout and burn off those French pastries while also enjoying the sights.

My answer to this question has evolved as technology has changed over the last few years and I have no doubt that it will continue to change as new products come to market. Currently though, I use an iPhone 8 and I do have several apps I always use when I travel. TripIt is my go-to app for everything travel related. It keeps all of my reservations organized and helps me in ways I would never have imagined. Get it, now. I also use the XE currency app regularly to help me convert foreign currency with real time data. Since I have a Priority Pass, I use their app to help me find lounges in new airports, a fantastic perk. For photography my go-tos are Camera+ and Snapseed. Finally, for navigating new-to-me transportation systems I use the AllSubway app that has maps for just about every subway and light-rail system in the world.

Without a doubt, the country about which I get the most questions is Iceland. That’s not surprise really, not only is it easy to reach and travel around but it’s one of the hottest destinations in the world right now. I’ve written a lot about Iceland, but to distill things down to a few sentences I’ve picked the highlights. The size of Iceland is deceptive, it looks small but there’s a lot to see and do so don’t try to do it all on the first trip. Over the last few years I’ve methodically covered different areas of the country and there’s still lots for me to see and do. I love Reykjavik, but also be sure to spend the night in other parts of the country. While you can do most things as a day trip from the capital, it’s much nicer to spend time on other areas as well. Finally, rent a car. Yes, you can organize tours for everything, but Iceland is one of those countries that cries out for independent exploration and renting the car is the only way to do that. For more about Iceland, take a look at all of my Iceland posts.

Luckily, English is a fairly common language around the world, even if it’s just a few words. But it’s also important for travelers to try to learn basic words and phrases wherever they go. If it’s a country that’s completely alien though, there are some challenges, no doubt. This is where the universal language of pointing furiously comes into play and it’s more useful than you think. Just research gestures before you go to make sure you don’t inadvertently commit a faux-pas.

Short answer, yes. Longer answer is that there are many options when it comes to travel insurance. What’s important is getting the most appropriate plan for the type of trip you’re taking. Most commonly you will need to make sure that it includes flight cancellation/trip interruption, lost bags and theft. From there, if you’re going on a sports or adventure travel trip then there are plans that cover those specific experiences and I personally think it’s always a good idea to have emergency evacuation and other medical needs addressed. God forbid you’re in the middle of nowhere and something terrible happens. Flights out for medical emergencies are extraordinarily expensive.

If you exchange money before leaving home the rates are awful, there’s no arguing with that and there’s no need for it. Instead, get currency out from the ATM when you’ve arrived into a new country. They offer the best rates possible, just be aware of any extra fees charged by your bank. Also, be sure to use bank owned ATMs are they tend to be safer than independent machines. The same advice goes for traveler’s checks. You have to pay to get them and to use them, a senseless waste of money. Once again, ATMs are your best friend.


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